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The indications for acupuncture are many, probably the same as those of osteopathy, with an even broader in the relationship with the surrounding world


Its boundaries are the same: pathological diseases (osteoarthritis, fracture, tendinitis, tumors ...) are not within its scope, even if the correction of dysfunction allows the body to find the energy to defend itself, it allows it to change its body schema to adapt more effectively to its pathologies.

The artery is everything, in acupuncture as it is in osteopathy.Many acupuncture points are located at the fascia or bony inter membranes largely manipulated by osteopaths, this is not by chance.

Many vessels are influenced by our osteopathic manipulation, and here too, as in the back shu points (associated points), the autonomous system is an essential and common relay.

The nervous system body interactions are even more stunning in humans: "we impede the free flow of energy throughout our entire body creating cuirasses muscle areas rigid dead that surround us, such as rings at different heights of the body. To defend ourselves against anxiety and against pleasure, against all sense, we block the flow of our energy. "W REICH

The correction of painful acupunctural points is extremely fast, sometimes a few seconds, and it is possible to treat a horse a few days before a competition, it is better to avoid the last three days for osteopathic treatment, but even so if just before, it’s possible.