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The osteopath aims to give meaning and hierarchy to the Symptoms

Its treatment often begin by dysfunction the worst experienced by the horse : poll for a nervous , worried or even aggressive horse, and the pelvis and a sacro-iliac to a strong discomfort in hind quarter movement. Or on the contrary, some dysfunctions are so painful that they may only be approached or understood after multiple adaptative corrections : the goal is to relax the horse, to understand the merits of our approach and finally acceptance. In this case the horse gave in and finally agreed to lift a hind leg he would not give for 6 months, to manipulate a painfull poll prohibiting normal bridling for one year; In any event, the horse often shows the way forward for those who can see it. Communication is subtle but far from esoteric.

How to watch a horse and see things as they are? According to Arnaud Desjardins , 3 possible levels
- The mind, liar often refers to what I believe should be
- The intelligence or intellect that sees this is as it is, clearly and usefully
- intuition, which etymologically means, not a kind of flair, but something thinner than intellect.

As the horse relaxes and accepts the proposed treatment. He surrenders, drops its resistance, chews, yawns and give a deep sigh, signs described by the riders in Cession de machoire described by Baucher.

The techniques used are structural and sensory. Manipulations are often accompanied by physical noise : the decoaptation of an articular gas bubble suddenly decompressed, not essential to the success of treatment, but certainly less than the welfare provided to the horse.

The treatment is often caudal to cranial, even if nothing is fixed, it’s all about keeping one’s ears open and attuned to patient care.